God is greater than our highs and lows is a profound statement that captures deep truths about God's nature. It might seem simple, but it reflects His concern for everything we face. The concept is rooted in biblical passages such as Romans 8:38-39 and Isaiah 54:10, which affirm God's unfailing love and presence. This assurance reminds us that we are not alone; God works behind the scenes to ensure everything works out for our good. Even when we cannot see it, God is greater than all circumstances.

(g>∧∨) Symbol Breakdown
- 'G' represents God
- '>' means "greater than"
- '∧' symbolizes the highs or peaks in life
- '∨' represents the lows or valleys
This concise representation has become increasingly popular within Christian communities, appearing on various items from jewelry to faith clothing, serving as a visible declaration of faith.
The Greatness of God in Relation to Us

The book of Psalms 145 espouses God’s greatness, his encompassing majesty and spledour. But we need to understand how His greatness relates to us. What does it mean to say, “God is greater than the highs and lows?”. It means he is beyond what life throws at us. God is an ever-present help for us in times of need. And in the midst of the joys and toils of life, God goes over and beyond us to ensure that we get the best out of the situations we face. It also means total trust and reliance on God despite our current situation.
God is Greater than Our Highs

Are you walking through the high side of life? Are you enjoying all the benefits of being alive? Have you just gotten a promotion? A raise? An open door for something you have been expecting for a long time? Well, you’re not alone. We all enjoy life’s highs, and we do not want it to come to an end. We want to get everything we want, when and how we want it. We expect all our desires to be fulfilled at the spin of a wand. But is that what God wants for us? We usually feel God’s blessings massively upon us in the high times. We think our goodness is finally paying off, so we lavishly bask in the grace that has saved us from being wretches.
At this time, the temptation to shift God aside can be high if you only view God through the lenses of the blessings you enjoy. God is greater than the high you are experiencing. His love and personality transcend the blessing he has given you. He wants you to see him beyond the riches you enjoy.

You can see this in the relationship he had with the Israelites. God made a lot of promises that came through for them. They witnessed the most fascinating events ever to be recorded in history. The spectacular became so familiar to them that they disregarded the God who made it happen. All they wanted was the next fix, the next miracle that would keep them on the high side of life. Because of this attitude, they fell from grace. Sadly, this is the lot of many people today.
It is essential to know that God is the Most High; every other high is secondary and superficial compared to who God is. Do you really know this God? Do you trust him to care for you beyond your ability to care for yourself? Is your trust still in him or the blessings you enjoy now? More than your resources, you need to know that God is more concerned about you having a relationship with him. He wants you to know how much he loves you and wants you to love him in return.
God is Greater than our Lows

One thing about human nature is how often we try to fit God into a box. When we face heartaches and hard times, we are tempted to think that God has no clue what we are going through. Oftentimes, we see Him as a distant father whose attention is beyond our reach. So, we lock ourselves up in the cave of seclusion. We wear the beautiful façade that gives the impression that everything is well while burning with the hurt we face inside.
Have the circumstances around your life made you feel like you are all alone in this world and nobody, not even God, can understand? Know that God is greater than your highs and lows. Have you been pressed on every side, your family, job, finances, and health, and you have lost a sense of who you are and who you’ve been called to be? Just know that God is greater than your highs and lows. It doesn’t matter how high that high is or how low the low is, just know that God supersedes them all.
David is an example of someone who faces a lot of highs and lows in his life. He had defeated the giant and brought an enormous victory for the children of Israel, married the king’s daughter, and enjoyed the favour of the king’s son. But after these things, he experienced the low side of life. He became a fugitive, and had to act mad once to survive. At a point, his family and that of his men were taken as prisoners of war. Even when he became king, his own son planned a coup against him. But despite all these fluctuations in his life, David never lost sight of who God is. He still recognised God as greater than all the highs and lows he had experienced.
God is Greater than the Highs and Lows in Your life

You may be experiencing the high side of life now and are scared that just like the seven years of plenty for the Egyptians under the leadership of Joseph came to an end, you may live a life of sorrow in this world. Why don’t you shift your gaze and focus on God? Let him be your source of joy, hope, and laughter. Let him be your source and your strength. Or maybe you are in the low side of life now. Just know that if God has brought you to it, He will bring you through it according to his promises in Isaiah 43.
“When you walk through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”- Isaiah 43: 2
Sometimes, we need to know that when God calls us out of our comfort zone, it is not for us to be comfortable in the situation. Rather, He wants us to be comfortable in him in spite of the situation.
Practical Applications

Applying this concept to daily life can have a profound impact on one's faith journey and overall well-being. Here are some practical ways to incorporate this principle into everyday life:
- Morning Affirmation: Start each day with Bible affirmations by reciting the phrase as a reminder of God's constant presence and supremacy over the day's events.
- Journaling: Keep a journal where you reflect on how you've seen God's greatness in both your successes and challenges. This practice can help reinforce the concept and provide encouragement during difficult times.
- Gratitude Practice: In moments of success or joy, pause to acknowledge God's role in your blessings. This can help maintain humility and perspective.
- Crisis Management: When facing hardships, consciously remind yourself that God is greater than your current struggle. This can provide comfort and hope in difficult situations.
- Visual Reminders: Place the G>∧∨ symbol in visible locations (e.g., as a phone wallpaper, on a desk, or as jewelry) to serve as constant reminders throughout the day.
- Prayer Focus: Incorporate the phrase into your prayer life, using it as a starting point for conversations with God about your current circumstances.
- Community Sharing: Share your experiences of God's greatness in both good and bad times with your faith community. This can encourage others and strengthen your own belief.
By actively applying and reflecting on this phrase, individuals can deepen their faith, find comfort in difficult times, and maintain perspective during moments of success.

Apostle Paul gives us a beautiful summary of what it means to see God as greater than our Highs and Lows in the book of Romans 8.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28.
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, or things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8: 38-39.
Who shall separate us from the loved of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger or sword?” Romans 8:35.
In a world full of uncertainties, this powerful message serves as a beacon of hope and faith in everyday life. We must hold on to God’s promises daily and trust Him to bring us victory in every circumstance.